Monday, 9 July 2012

Market Day and Giving Gifts.

Hot today in Haiti 90+ Headed towards the border this morning but had to detour to load up on water. Each person needs to carry about approx 5 litres of water across to stave off dehydration. Sadly the water in Haiti is not safe for Europeans who have no defences against the bacteria lurking in the water. Passage across was wild. The crossing was seething with bodies and vehicles of every description. Hand carts loaded way beyond their capacity with bags of grain and rice and being pushed by very thin sinewy old men. Woman Balancing everything from huge buckets piled dozens high on their heads too heaps of blankets that look as if they would crush your neck vertebra. The roar of 125cc taxi motorbikes of every vintage crossing back and forth across the bridge to make as much money as they can in the market day rush. A crossing could net them as much as 30 pence. The skill and risk these guys take is like nothing you have ever witnessed. The Dominicans have built a huge shed like building to house and keep the market in the border zone and not on their territory. Over we went keeping a tight hold of our packs as the desperate can just snatch and run off with them. The kids were waiting for us at the church. We had brought the cases of kids clothing and toys that we'd loaded up with in the uk. After songs, games and a very long session of the hokey kokey that the kids love :-) we fitted the kids with clothes and toys. And do you know what the star toy was ? A bottle of soapy bubbles that cost a quid for 16 of them out the pound shop. The kids screams were incredible at seeing them. Fortunately one of the girls on the team had transported about two gallon of the wee bottles so all the kids got their share. I'm half way through teaching them ' we've got Jimmy Jimmy Johnstone on the wing ' the repetition of the words and harmony makes it easier for the toatsie kids to follow. And I'm claiming my right as an ageing hoopster to immortalise the heroes of my era :-)


  1. Hey Woodsy and the team, thought you'd like to know its very cool here in Cankuzo, Burundi. We are at quite high altitude and near the Tanzania border. I am delighted you are all having a wonderful time, hope y'all don't melt completely, especially when playing fitba'.
    Be blessed and pass on my regards to Pastor Rolex.


  2. Hi Woodsy,
    Enjoying reading your updates on Haiti. Glad that you and the team are having a super outreach. Looking forward to further updates.
